
I felt like I had many different ideas of what I wanted to make with the form assignment. I bounced around between using some of the imagery we saw in the lecture- specifically the custom pcb divinity machines or leaning into the random method to make something experimental. I decided to go with the latter and utilize the random methods available in p5.js to make something I had less control over.

I began experimenting with randomizing the creation of a 2d primitive shape using randomly generated x and y values for the different parameters of the primitives, as well as the primitive type from an array. While making this I tested the randomized 2d arc primitive and really enjoyed the way it handled the point generation, regardless of how extreme the value range. I decided to explore randomizing the arc primitive specifically instead of generating all of the primitives. Somewhere along the line I realized that the overlaying of all the random arc’s reminded me of the way motion is captured by the painter Jackson Pollock, and that is what I decided to strive for with my design. I wanted to make almost a homage to his painting style and technique, while still allowing the viewer to interact and experience the form.