I chose to create a clock that only shows you what time it is when the user makes eye contact with it. With our discussions about time as a construct, and how we perceive it differently I thought about how time can feel different when doing different things. When working or doing tasks you enjoy, time can feel like it is flowing quickly and you often do not notice how much time has passed. But if you are in an uncomfortable situation or you are doing something you dread, time can seem endless and still. I also thought of how time relates to permanence and perception, but this is not something time, as we understand it, follows. Regardless of our actions or attention time continues to move onward independently.
My other two concepts for this assignment were related to how my sense of time has shifted during the Covid-19 pandemic and quarantine. One design showed a window in the center of the canvas, and as time passed the shades of color in the sky would gradually change to reflect the time of day. I came up with this idea while reflecting on how little I had been leaving my house or my room during quarantine. The design was meant to relay that the only real way I could tell the time was by looking out the window.
My last design also came out of reflection on covid and the pandemic, but this was on something that stayed consistent through quarantine. The design focused around my coffee making habits, and the amount of time coffee takes to brew and then be processed by your body. My idea would have shown my coffee maker filling up with coffee in about four minutes, then it would have slowly drained to show the amount of time the effects of caffeine would be in my system. I thought this assignment had a very interesting concept behind it, and I wish I had tried to come up with a visualization of nonlinear time or a different distortion of time. I think these more advanced topics would have taken too long for me to figure out how to visualize for this assignment's timeframe, but they would be interesting projects to pursue in the future.