Design Process

This was a fun way to practice using functions to organzie code in p5.js, I think the most complicated part for me to recreate from the sketches was the bug's torso details. I would like to spend more time making small hairs on its arms and posing the arms closer to the original sketch, but I am satisfyed with it's current state. I thought my partners sketches were pretty similar subject-wise so I attemtped to follow their drawign styles very closely in the sketch to help differentiate the parts.


Me and my partners forgot to trade backstories, but the design of my charter was inspired by the character Gregor from Franz Kafka’s Metamorphosis. Similar to Gregor my character is a type of ‘door to door salesman’ who sells crumbs of food he has collected to other bugs. He likes to dress his best when hes on the job, hence the tie. I think that this new abomination is a mash-up of broken children's toys and action figures. The pieces you see were all that could be found of the original toys. As if meant for each other, the pieces clicked together and seem to be stuck that way.


These are the sketches me and my partners made for our exuisite corpses. The first was created by Yufei Wang, the second by myself, and the last by Brittany Price.