
For this project, we were tasked with making an autobiographical bitmap game using p5js. We needed to create at least three different scenes or levels for the game, and it was supposed to represent my inner conflict when approaching a project or a piece of work. I tend to think of myself as having two separate backgrounds: training or experience with technology and experience with art. I usually find myself conflicted when approaching projects when trying to find a balance between the two. This major (Design and Technology) is centered around merging the two fields and creating work in the crossroads. That is why I decided to make my game about creating both technologically and artistically centered work.

I enjoyed working on this and using different 'scenes' or levels. I really enjoyed making the bitmap art for the game as well. Below is the flowchart of the game, it was how I planned on having the player experience each scene, as well as some psuedocode for how the sketch was going to work.
